Getting Clear | ADHD Coaching
with ADHD Coach Linda Anderson, MA, MCCGetting Clear Coaching provides coaching for adults with Attention Deficit Disorder (ADHD) working to achieve goals and create much desired change. The ADHD coaching partnership provides a unique environment for growth and discovery through trying out new perspectives, implementation of new tools and strategies, and accessing personal strengths – helping you turn challenge into accomplishment.
My name is Linda Anderson, MA, MCC. I am an expert and pioneer in the field of ADHD coaching and began Getting Clear Coaching in 1994. With experience coaching clients in the U.S. and abroad, I work with professionals in the corporate, medical, academic and business worlds, as well as students. I work with you to help you build more success, balance, and happiness at work and in life.
I understand ADHD and the challenges that come with it. I get it and I’m here to help you.